"Light I was able to catch you anyway"
Light is always necessary in order to make visible what is and what is not. At the same time the nature of things themselves changes depending on the type of light in which they bathe. Each constellation is unique, and equally important is the invisible, that which is in the shade and that what generates shadow. Perhaps the protagonists of the search for the holy Grail of light play a short leading part and fill their stage space with the specific atmosphere that emanates from them. Depending on the play of light their specific character can be enhanced or weakened, or may emerge unexpected properties. A console ornament as in "Light I was able to catch you anyway" has a symbolic value.Initially "beautiful" by itself, due to its ornaments borrowed by the Renaissance, but secondly, it is just therefore a symbol of beauty, the awkward clumsy basic form notwithstanding. And why is she lying there in all her beauty? Not because she is coquettish but to make the world a better place. Beauty in the metaphorical sense. Ambassador of harmony, controlled by light from higher spheres.